Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've got a few short stories to post up here. Well, they're not really stories so much as they are the strange thoughts and possibilities that run through my mind on a regular basis.
My mind is a fun place to be on most days. Today, not so much. But eh.
Anyways, here's Thing the First. Thing the Second needs some editing before posting.
The ending on the other one was basically:
So there's that.
But here's this.
Enjoy, and leave feedback.

[just a random thought i had while driving around at twilight. hope y'all enjoy.]
The sun slowly sinks beneath the horizon and the glowing colors of the day are replaced with the cold, forbidding colors of night fall.

The shadows stretch longer and longer; growing until they shroud and swallow the world.

 But out of the massive darkness of the night come shining beacons standing out like bonfires on high hills, neon lights and glowing fluorescence penetrating the darkness.

We are creatures of the sun by birth, by right; the daytime is ours to conquer and walk with confidence, assured of our surroundings and that we are the sovereign master of the terrain.

When the sun begins to sink, we retreat wearily to our well-lit caves to wait out the long dark of the night, our fires stoked to edge the darkness away.

We, like moths, drift from brightness to brightness, the driving desire to immolate our bodies in the fleeting, violent beauty of a flame replaced with the need to flourish and grow beneath the comforting hand of light.

The promise of light is the promise of safety, of shelter. The brightness puts up a flimsy shield against the evil that lurks just out of sight in the darkness.

We fear the darkness. Maybe we fear the dark because we fear the unknown, the nameless, shapeless thing prowling on the edge of our awareness carrying the scent of danger. Or maybe we fear it simply because we fear that cold, crippling feeling of aloneness that grips your chest when you walk through a stretch of darkness.

And maybe we're right to fear the dark. Maybe something with razor sharp teeth and glowing red eyes will swoop out of the darkness on oversized wings and tear our flesh to shreds if we stray too far from the protection of light.

Yet there are worse demons that lurk in the darkness that exists within our own minds, those that feed not on flesh but on fear.  We, flimsy, soft creatures of the sun, are so easily destroyed by darkness within and darkness without.

[all works and characters © me, y'all.]

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